"Mannis Fun House" Admins
I, Marked One, and behalf of all subscribed want to ask admins [MFH] Mannis Fun House, to unban player SHAMAN.
As all deserve the second chance. Undoubtedly SHAMAN in partly it is guilty, and all of us not without sins, but on records at a forum clearly that SHAMAN has changed also that that it has made very big s**t.And from his actions nobody has suffered.
As most of all us most of all revolts ban at a forum, completely not justified as a half of year (after ban) he has written only 3 Protests for unban (on 1 from which has been given unban) and anything bad for a forum hasn't made,But why Chanz has banned Shaman on forum permanently.As even such "spammers" as SILVA, admins didn't give permament forum ban.
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We ask for unban SHAMAN as it has changed to the best, and we consider that it ban hasn't been justified + it is his first ban and he haven`t got ban evades.And good enough reputation seemed to me at it.Please give him one chance.
Sorry for crappy English , I have translated it with translator.
С уважением, нижеподписавшиеся
Петиция Unban Player :SHAMAN к "Mannis Fun House" Admins была создана и написана Kruglov Artem Viktorovich (vasilievaleks@mail.ru). Эта петиция находится на публичном интернет-сервере www.OnlinePetition.ru. Владельцы службы и спонсоры не связаны с петицией. По техническим и другим вопросам обращайтесь на webmaster@onlinepetition.ru
Unban Player :SHAMAN
I, Marked One, and behalf of all subscribed want to ask admins [MFH] Mannis Fun House, to unban player SHAMAN.
As all deserve the second chance. Undoubtedly SHAMAN in partly it is guilty, and all of us not without sins, but on records at a forum clearly that SHAMAN has changed also that that it has made very big s**t.And from his actions nobody has suffered.
As most of all us most of all revolts ban at a forum, completely not justified as a half of year (after ban) he has written only 3 Protests for unban (on 1 from which has been given unban) and anything bad for a forum hasn't made,But why Chanz has banned Shaman on forum permanently.As even such "spammers" as SILVA, admins didn't give permament forum ban.
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We ask for unban SHAMAN as it has changed to the best, and we consider that it ban hasn't been justified + it is his first ban and he haven`t got ban evades.And good enough reput... >>