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Компании "Gameloft"

Android games on 320x480 screens

Your games is very qualitative and interesting, for example "N.O.V.A." and "Assasin's creed", but we can't play them because your games for Android are made for large screens and on the display with a resolution of 320x480 pixel image does not fit. We ask you to focus on creating games for small displays. In this way increases the audience of players and your budget will increase.
We hope that you approve our petition. Your games are almost no analogues, and we believe that the owners of low-cost smartphones OS "Android" deserve games the highest quality.

С уважением, нижеподписавшиеся

Петиция Android games on 320x480 screens к Компании "Gameloft" была создана и написана Sergey Eliseev (adus90@yandex.ru). Эта петиция находится на публичном интернет-сервере www.OnlinePetition.ru. Владельцы службы и спонсоры не связаны с петицией. По техническим и другим вопросам обращайтесь на webmaster@onlinepetition.ru


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