We are opposed to advertising with the sound before entering the game! This is annoying and interferes strongly! Please remove this ad with the wolves! Thank you for your attention.
С уважением, нижеподписавшиеся
Петиция Advertisement к Tigrounette была создана и написана Sormerense (Sormerense@gmail.com). Эта петиция находится на публичном интернет-сервере www.OnlinePetition.ru. Владельцы службы и спонсоры не связаны с петицией. По техническим и другим вопросам обращайтесь на webmaster@onlinepetition.ru
We are opposed to advertising with the sound before entering the game! This is annoying and interferes strongly! Please remove this ad with the wolves! Thank you for your attention.
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